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Airbrush Tanning Systems
Before and Aftercare Products (Salon owners please call 888-326-9168 for wholesale pricing)
Over Spray (Overspray) Removal Systems
Airbrush Tanning Solutions
Airbrush Solution Fragrances
Airbrushes and Spray Guns
Airbrush and Compressor Accessories
Technical Support
Special offers

Unparalleled Technical Support

Scentual Sun offers all of its customers 24 hour a day, seven day a week technical support either via email or phone. We realize that technical problems can be frustrating at best, that is why we are always here for you.

From problems with equipment to application, we are always just a phone call or email away. A knowledgeable, fully trained member of our staff answers all phone calls day or night. Again, this demonstrates our dedication to your success.

All questions received via email will be answered within 48 hours. We ask that less pressing issues be addressed via email. 

Send your questions to Tech Support at

For 24/7-phone support please call 434-386-9600. As we may be assisting other customers, you may be directed to voicemail. Please leave a detailed message including name, phone number, and the nature of your problem. Your call will be returned promptly in the order it was received.

Technical Support

Scentual Sun Airbrush Tanning
1033 Claymont Dr, Suite B, Lynchburg, VA 24502
Toll-free (US and Canada): 888-326-9168, International: 1-434-386-9600
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